Take a look at our latest Magazine issue
Featuring the work of selected artists through our fourth open call + special artist features including Navot Miller, Clara Rival, Antonio Centeno and more!
Exclusive photos of our latest exhibit at FLIPA Art Gallery in Barcelona
Check out our current open calls
Yes, we launch open calls for submissions every quarter to select artists worldwide whose work we: publish in our dedicated art publication, promote and sell through online art auctions and exhibit at partner art galleries in Europe.
Read all about what we’ve been cooking + results of our open calls
In case you want to stay updated on our news, launches, releases and most recent activities, this is the place to go.
Learn more about
The Initiative
This is where you can read all about RICE Initiative and the reasons behind why we do what we do + our Auction Program, our Feedback Program and rest of activities that make us unique.
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Want to collaborate with us?
We are open to proposals and always on the look out for new partnerships and collaborations.